Review paper on Design of DFT using CORDIC algorithm


  • Mr. Ashwin D. Baragawane1, Mrs. P. Gajbhiye2 E & EC Department, KITS, Raamtek-441106


CORDIC is an algorithm developed by Jack E. Volder in the year 1959 which is an acronym for COrdinate Rotation Digital Computer. It is a class of shift, adds algorithm for rotating vectors in a plane, generally used for the computation of trigonometric functions, multiplications, division and conversion between binary and mixed radix number system, such as Fourier Transform. The Jack E. CORDIC algorithm is resulting from the general equation for vector rotation. Cordic algorithm which is highly efficient, having low complexity and robust technique to calculate exponential function. It also contains the implementation of Discrete Fourier Transform using radix-2 decimation-in-time algorithm on the FPGA kit. Due to the high speed, low cost and greater flexibility offered by FPGAs over DSP processors, the FPGA based computing is becoming the heart of all digital signal processing systems of recent world. Furthermore the generation of test bench by Xilinx ISE 9.2i verifies the results.
Keywords: Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), CORDIC Algorithm (CA), VHDL, Sine, Cosine, FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array).




How to Cite

Mrs. P. Gajbhiye2, M. A. D. B. (2015). Review paper on Design of DFT using CORDIC algorithm. International Journal of Engineering Technology and Computer Research, 3(2). Retrieved from


