About the Journal


International Journal of Engineering Technology and Computer Research (IJETCR) is a full-text database of OJS journal

IJETCR is International publisher of academic and research journals; IJETCR publishes and develops titles in groups with the world's most prestigious learned societies and publishers. Our goal is to bring high quality research work

Aims and Scope  

International Journal of Engineering Technology and Computer Research (IJETCR) is an Open Access, international, multidisciplinary journals hub in the field multi disciplinary and will publish original research papers, short communications, invited reviews, Case studies and editorial commentary and news, Opinions & Perspectives and Book Reviews written at the invitation of the Editor in following fields

Important Notice

Authors can now directly send their manuscript as an email attachment to editor@ijetcr.org 

All manuscripts are subject to rapid peer review. Those of high quality (not previously published and not under consideration for publication in another journal) will be published without delay. First-time users are required to register themselves as an author before making submissions by signing up the author registration form at journals website: www. http://ijetcr.org

With the online journal management system that we are using, authors will be able to track manuscripts progress through the editorial process by logging in as author in authors Dashboard.

Top Reasons for publication with us

Quick Quality Review: The journal has strong international team of editors and reviewers, Rapid Decision and Publication

Very Low Publication Fees: Comparable journals charge a huge sum for each accepted manuscript. IJETCR only charge the fees necessary to recoup cost associated with running the journal

Other features: DIDS // DOI - Assigned and Implemented the Open Review System (ORS).


Current Issue

Vol. 13 No. 1 (2025)
View All Issues

Journal Index In ICI World of Journals  ICV 2016 – 69.88

CALL FOR PAPER - Fast Track Publication Hub

VOLUME 11 - ISSUE 01 - 2023

 If you are facing some problem in Online Submission, kindly Email us on following

E-mails- editor@ijetcr.org

Mob. +91-9680566708